Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Vaaranam Aayiram

Vaaranam Aayiram:
The Audio launch of Vaaranam Aayiram was like a breath of fresh air( coming from the icy mountains ),with director GauthamMenon himself playing host for the evening. Accompanying him the vocal kings Naresh Iyer and Devan.

The Track was introduced by Sivakumar, Soundarya Rajnikanth, Dipika Pallickal, Major General Tom Bakshi, Udayanidhi Stalin and director Sasikumar.

End of the show was filled with eye catching performance of cute children who came up on stage for the last song .

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Smart Basket - " iBasket " .

Hi,.... One of my friends told that...

" Without a wife or girlfriend around to keep me in line, my laundry pile tends to build to frightening proportions before it receives the attention it deserves. So perhaps I need a washing machine that can work without needing my input ".

So i planned to write a blog on "iBasket"... which will surely help him and those who have the same type of problem .

The Smart Basket :) - " iBasket " .

The Electrolux iBasket is a laundry hamper that will automatically clean your clothes once enough items have been tossed inside. This is determined by weight of the clothes . Once the deadline is reached the basket starts washing .One of the interesting feature of this iBasket is its WiFi Technology .....

The iBasket consists of three layers , the top level ,outer cover and the inner cover . The Top panel is made up of Recycled Aluminium and the outer cover is made up of Acrylic glass and the inner cover made up of Acrylic glass .

The iBasket has a WiFi Based techonological link that lets you to control the machine from your computer or Mobile , and sends you a instant message when the cleaning is completely over .

This interesting and famous iBasket was Designed by Guopeng Liang at China’s Tongji University as a part of the Electrolux 2008 Design Lab competition, the iBasket is a real innovation and could potentially make the process of washing clothes a less daunting experience and makes our clothes so clean ... :)

.... cheers ... :)

shrikky :)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Fancy Bread Toaster .... :)


Technology again took an interesting curve in delivering the news. We work for bread . How do you feel if you can have hot news with toasted delicious bread? Obviously that fill our stomach as well as our knowledge ..
Its not a Steven Speilberg's another movie with everything extraordinary but its just an another creation :)

How would you like a toaster that can actually “print” the latest news on your bread? Not many people like for this sort of luxury, but that hasn’t stopped Sung Bae Chang from designing the Scan Toaster.

Entered into an Electrolux design competition, the Scan Toaster connects to a PC by USB. Then, it can download news, weather reports, the time and more. There are modules inside the toaster that heat up, just like a regular toaster would. The only difference is that these modules can move 30 degrees. So, once you select a news story you want printed, the modules will realign and then burn the image on the bread.
This is just a design at the moment and there are no plans for the toaster to be manufactured for consumers. But this is really one of those items that makes you wonder what will they think of next ?

......... sounds funny yet it's a Good Project...


:) shrikky :)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Microsoft WINDOWS - Magical Operations



Nobody can create a FOLDER anywhere on the computer which can be named as "CON".
This is something pretty cool...and unbelievable. ..
At Microsoft the whole Team, couldn't answer why this happened!

This is something pretty cool and neat...and unbelievable. ..
At Microsoft the whole Team, including Bill Gates, couldn't answer why this happened!
Try it out yourself...
Open Microsoft Word and type
=rand (200, 99)
And then press ENTER

For those of you using Windows, do the following:
1. Open an empty notepad file
2. Type "Bush hid the facts" (without the quotes)
3. Save it as whatever you want.
4. Close it, and re-open it.
Is it just a really weird bug?
You can try the same thing above with another sentence "this app can break"

Explanation for Magic #1:

In windows the folder name and the special system variables share the same interface, so when you create a folder with a system variable name it will consider that folder already exist!!
These special system variables are available irrespective of path
You cannot create a folder with these names also:
CON, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3,COM1 to COM9 and LPT1 to LPT9....
CON means console, COM1 means serial port 1, LPT1 means parallel port 1.....

is that facts really cool na ... :) .. will update with some other interesting facts soon ....

cheers :)
shrikky ...

Fantastic " FEDERER " - Born To Make And Break "RECORDS"

was born in Basel, Switzerland, to Swiss-German Robert Federer and South African Lynette Federer, on August 8 th , 1981 .He is a professional swiss tennis player who is currently ranked in World No -2 .He was the World no -1 for a record 237 consecutive Weeks ,from February 2, 2004, through August 17, 2008.

Federer has won thirteen Grand slam singles titles (five Wimbledon, five US open ,Three Australian open ) four ATP Masters series Titles,Four Tennis Masters cup titles . He Holds Many Records in the game . He created a record of appearing in 10 consecutive finals from 2005 Wimbledon to 2007 US open.Federer won the men's doubles gold medal for Switzerland , partnering with Stanislas Wawrnika. He has a Continuous Rivalry with
Rafael Nadal who succeeded him as the World No. 1 player(on August 17 ,2008) .

Jimmy Connors one of the great tennis players of the past , once in a function addressed the gathering in a way......

" you're either a clay court specialist, a grass court specialist or a hard court specialist... or you're Roger Federer". " means HE IS THE KING OF ALL SURFACE ".

He Got Many Prestigious Awards .One Of the Main Award is the Laureus World Sportsman Of the Year ,For consecutive years from 2005 -2008.

  • Federer is a Cricket fan and spends part of his off-time playing that sport.
  • Federer favorite Vacation Spot are Swiss mountains and Maldives.
  • Federer is a good friend of golf superstar TIGER WOODS
  • Federer launched a fragrance called RF Cosmetics in October 2003.
  • Time Magazine named Federer as one of the 100 most influential people in 2007.
Federer suffered in his form, From the starting of this year , lost two prestigious Grand slams and in Olympics , but he bounces back powerfully and ended this year with an US open Title.

FedEx Rocks ------>

it's the right Way to Conclude;

"If Tennis Is A Religion then , ROGER FEDERER Is The God "

Cheers :)
Shrikky ...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

......:) Good Humour And It's Benefits + Some Jokes :).........

The one of the Main Thing which differ Human being from animals is ... "The Sense of Humor "...Also known as our Sixth Sense .

; it the second best thing one can do with one's lips. ...

A sense of humour is the ability to experience humour, although the extent to which an individual will find something humorous depends on a host of variables, including geographical location, culture, maturity, level of education, intelligence, and context. For example, young children may possibly favour slapstick, such as Punch and Judy puppet shows or cartoons (e.g. Tom and Jerry).

Humor occurs when :

1.An alternative (or surprising) shift in perception or answer is given that still shows relevance and can explain a situation.
2.Sudden relief occurs from a tense situation. "Humourific" as formerly applied in comedy referred to the interpretation of the sublime and the ridiculous, a relation also known as bathos. In this context, humour is often a subjective experience as it depends on a special mood or perspective from its audience to be effective.
3.Two ideas or things are juxtaposed that are very distant in meaning emotionally or conceptually, that is, having a significant incongruity.
4.We laugh at something that points out another's errors, lack of intelligence, or unfortunate circumstances; granting a sense of superiority.

Good Humor, as a characteristic ,means good temper - a cheerful kindly and genial disposition. a good humored person is one who is not easily provoked or irritated ,who takes things in a genial and friendly spirit , and so is easy to get on with ,and pleasant companion .

A Good Humored person is naturally popular. sour,irritable,peevish and irascible people are not loved .People do not readily make friends with such ,for they are always giving and taking offense . but all people like the company of good humored man , with his pleasant smile and jolly laugh and kindly and genial manners .

Good Humor is also a valuable defense to its possessor against the worries and battles of life . It prevents him from worrying about trifles ,and getting upset with every misfortune
The Typical character of a good humored man in fiction is Mark Tapley,in Dickens's
"Martin Chuzzlewit",who always prided himself on keeping a smiling face and meeting the worst misfortunes with a cheery laugh.He is,perhaps , An impossible character ;but it would do us no harm to try to follow his sunny example.

Good Humor, therefore ,makes for happiness. The good humored man makes others happy with his cheery presence,and is able to keep himself happy even under Cloudy Skies .

Some JOKES for U :)

1.What grey, has a wand, huge wings and gives money to elephants?
The tusk fairy!

2.What has 3 tails, 4 trunks and 6 feet?
An elephant with spare parts!

3.What's grey but turns red?
An embarrassed elephant!

4.What's grey, beautiful and wears glass slippers?

5.When should you feed milk to a baby elephant?
When it's a baby elephant!

6.How do you know when there is an elephant under your bed?
When your nose touches the ceiling!

7.What do you call an elephant that flies?
A jumbo jet!

8.What did the grape say when the elephant stood on it?
Nothing, it just let out a little wine!

Customer: "How mach for haircut?"
Barber: "20 Rupees."
Cutomer: "How much for a Shave?"
Barber: "Ten rupees."
Cutomer: "Great-shave my head, please
A teenage girl had been talking on the phone for about half an hour, and then she hung up.

"Wow!," said her father, "That was short. You usually talk for two hours. What happened?"

"Wrong number," replied the girl.

A gushing young lady embarrassed Edison at a reception by her outspoken admiration. "You will go down in history, Mr. Edison, as the inventor of the first talking machine," she repeated for the tenth time.
"Indeed, no, madam," replied Edison, "I am not the pioneer in the field. The first talking machine was invented by the Almighty and I merely invented one that could be stopped at will."
I have invented a computer that's almost human."
"You mean, it can think?"
"No. But when it makes a mistake, it can put the blame on another computer."

Always Be Happy And Makes Others Happy too :) :) :) ...

Cheers :) :) :)

School Life -The Happiest Part OF ONE's Life .

School Life
- The Most Happiest part in everyone's life . This post mainly deals with some interesting facts about school life ...
Whether one's school days are happy or the reverse , depends a good deal on the character of the school in which one's lot is cast ; for schools are of all kinds -- good ,bad, and different .
But most schools now-a-days are respectable ,and some are very good.
Most of us look back upon our school life as , on the whole , a Happy time . Of course the small boy who first goes to school (especially if it is boarding school ) does not at the beginning feel very happy . He is surrounded by unfamiliar faces and a life very difficult from what he was used to at home , and he feels lost and home sick , and badly wants his mother . but he soon settles down ; and when he gets used to the new conditions feels comfortable and happy enough .
Of- course there are drawbacks , and even dangers , in school life . There are always
black sheep in every flock ; and a boy sometime gets led away into bad habits by vicious companions and when the discipline is over strict and the masters unsympathetic ,a sensitive boy may suffer much . But on the whole the influences of school life are healthy and good..

For one thing , the strict discipline of a school has a healthy effect upon growing boys . At home a boy is too often coddled and allowed too much of his own way ;but at school he has to learn to obey . and there he learns the good old useful virtues of punctuality,regular method ,the best use of time ,diligence ,and prompt obedience.Boys may not like this ; but they are thankful for the lessons afterwards ,when they become men.then a boy cannot live in a community of boys with out , as we say ,getting the rough angles Knocked off.Boys in their social life out of class and in the hostels discipline each other . A school -boy soon gets such faults as conceit ,priggishness,cowardice,meanness and unsportsmanlike behavior ,knocked out of him by the ridicule ,criticism,and even rough treatment of his companions .

Then the most and Great gift given by our school age is "THE EVER LASTING FRIENDSHIP".
It is often at school that friendships for lifetime are made .Boys soon get to know each other and form fast friendships ,that in after life are a great joy and source of strength to them.The school games ,also,develop a lad's mainly qualities and not only make him physically strong , but also teach him Esprit-de-corps and the true spirit of sportsmanship .

So when school-days are over ,the boy who felt miserable when he first joined leaves his school with real regret . This is well expressed in a verse of the Harrow Song ,which is sung to new boys when they first join the famous old school "ON THE HILL ";

"The Time Will Come , As the days go by ,
When your eyes will fill at the thought of the hill ,
And he wild regret of the last Good bye "....

if god gives me a chance to go to past ,surely i will ask him to give my school days back ...

always enjoy Life with that pleasant and joyful thought of school days .....

shrikky :)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Pal Payasam - A Delicious Recipe

It's very boring at home . Don't know when my company will call ?? so planning to learn some small things .. suddenly it struck ,why not "COOKING". so i started to cook some recipes . It is Popularly known as Kheer, Payasam is a sweet and tasty recipe from south India cuisine. There are several varieties of payasam.one of my favourite dishes is "PAL PAYASAM " .I have downloaded a manual from one of the famous websites to make south Indian recipes . This recipe is very famous in Tamilnadu.... it has come out really well now. Even my mom appreciated me after tasting it. It is difficult to get certification from a experienced senior la :) ........
ok ! here is the coolest way to prepare pal payasam ..........

Here we are making it with red rice. Typically it is a rice pudding prepared with sugar and boiled milk. Kheer or payasam is believed to be pious food hence prepared on house hold pujas as prasad.

3 litres: Milk
700 gm: Sugar
180 gm: Dried red rice
100 gm cashew
100 gm almond

1.Boil the milk.
2.Add sugar and mix well.
When it boils again, add the washed rice in it. Simmer in medium flame.
Cook till the rice is done.
Serve hot and Add some Cashew's and Badam on the top .

shrikky :)

Friday, September 5, 2008


(The Robot)

With Super Star Rajnikanth and Aishwarya Rai Bachan in lead rolls, get starts rolling on September 8th at America.

The movie production houses which involved into this grandeur venture are Ayngaran International Films Pvt Ltd., and Eros International.

Two fantastic numbers in A. R. Rahman’s music, he is the music director of the film, is about to shot in beautiful locations of America.

Rajinikanth- Shankar big budget film Robot shooting started in Chennai AVM studios. It was the first photo shoot for the film by famous Chennai fashion and portfolio photographer G.Venket Ram exclusively focused on superstar Rajinikanth.

Do you know how the Robot team arrived for the first shoot, here it is…
Rajinikanth arrived on dot of time in his Chevrolet Tavera.
Shankar came in his new black BMW car with his trademark registration number 8.
Karunamoorthy of Ayngaran International, Producer came in his Honda-CRV.

Shankar`s Future Plan:

Shankar has been able to put into action his dream project Robot with none other than Superstar Rajini. But there is another dream project that Shankar has always wanted to carryout.

Shankar dream has been to make a movie on Rajinikanth starting from his life as a humble bus conductor to that of a superstar. Shankar is thinking of making that film in the future and it will be titled simply ‘Rajnikanth’. The film will be based on a book ‘The Name is Rajni’ written by Gayathri Srikanth, and talks are on with her to buy the rights of the book to make a film.

The movie is likely to be made only by 2012 after the completion and release of Robot.

Cinematography R. RatnaveluArt: Sabu Cyril, Lyrics: Vairamuthu, Pa. Vijay,

Editing: Antony, Choreography: Raju Sundaram, Costume Design: Manish Malhotra.

The Costume Designer of Men in Black, Batman returns, Inspector Gadget Mary E Vogt is designing the scientific outfits.

Stan Winston Studio (USA) who has worked for Predator, Jurassic Park, Pearl Harbor, Iron man, Terminator and I - Robot is doing Animatronics.

Yuen Woo Ping who handled stunt for many Hollywood movies like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Matrix and Kill Bill is currently working for Endhiran (THE ROBOT).

All the three world renowned people working for an Indian movie is for the first time.

Hollywood companies like ILM, Tippet, Café EFX; and Hong Kong companies like Centro and Menfond are going to work in the field of VFX.

Visual Effects and Animatronics co-ordination: Indian Artiste.

Producers: K. Karunamurthi / C. Arunpandian.

Executive Producer: K. Vijayakumar....

THala ROCKsssssss.......


:) shrikky :)

Walt Disney to Co Produce Kamal’s Next Venture

Walt Disney to Co Produce Kamal’s Next Venture

IT's a Great Pride To all INDIANS and Especially For Tamil Cinema Industry.since Walt Disney Accepted To Co Produce Kamal's "MARMA YOGHI".....

Kamal’s dream project is Marma Yoghi. This big budget film couldn’t do with just one producer, so now there is a co-producer in Bharat Bala (of AR Rahman’s Vande Mataram fame). Thanks to Bharat, this film will also see Kamal Hassan and AR Rahman coming together for the first time.Walt Disney Productions recently tied up with Yash Raj Films and will be producing a film called Roadside Romeo for them shortly.

Fortunately, for Kamal, the production house wants to spread its wings across the country. The actor will be in the US to discuss production details for the film and it will be shot in Thailand. Kamal plans to start shooting for this film in February. Marma Yogi is to be a historical story, set in the seventh century. The film is also touted to become the most expensive film in India. A source says, “Kamal has budgeted this film at approximately 120 crores and as we all know, a film is never made within a quoted budget. It is bound to be the most expensive film ever made in our country.” With remaking being the trend of late, it is not surprising that Kamal’s dream project too is a remake.

The original Marma Yogi was released in 1951 and starred screen legends MGR and Anjali Devi. Interestingly this was the first A certified film in the Tamil film industry. The film is based on the novel , ‘Vendetta: The story of one forgotten’, written by Marie Corelli in the year 1886.Kamal’s Marma Yoghi will feature three heroines and rumours are that Kamal has zeroed in on two of them, Asin and Hema Malini.

NEXT .....


Google - Chrome -" THE NEW ERA IN BROWSING "

Google's new Browser::

GOOGLE launched its own Internet Browser , which is named “GOOGLE CHROME“.Now lets see its advantages and disadvantages. It has already received wide applause through out. It's appearance is simple but very efficient. Auto complete and speedy start are it's special functions. Definitely this new idea is going to give stiff competition to Microsoft corporation. Slowly Google is steeping into software zones to compete with Microsoft...


1) It has a very simple design, which allows us to browse faster than any internet browser out there.

2)In Google Chrome, you can get anywhere on the Web with one box. The address bar that sits at the top of the normal Google Chrome window simplifies your Internet experience by doubling as a search box. You can also use it to bookmark websites and stay aware about the security of a website.

3)”GOOGLE CHROME” comes with BOOKMARK facilities .


1)It automatically imports all your bookmarks,passwords,etc…. without any prior information.
2)little bit slow, and lots of blank spaces in the home page.Need some more designing and easily accessible links in the home page.
Download Google chrome here....

:) shrikky :)